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Installation is free, quick, and easy. Set up Jetpack in minutes.

Manual Alternatives

Alternatively, install Jetpack via the plugin directory, or upload the files manually to your server and follow the on-screen instructions. If you need additional help read our detailed instructions.


Is Jetpack free?

Yes! Jetpack’s core features are and always will be free.

These include: site stats, a high-speed CDN for images, related posts, downtime monitoring, brute force attack protection, automated sharing to social networks, sidebar customization, SEO (search engine optimization) tools, and much more.

Should I purchase a paid plan?

It depends on your site and what kind of protection, performance, and design you need. If you make money from your site, the answer is often “yes.” For context, Jetpack’s paid services include real-time backups, security scanning, spam filtering, video hosting, site monetization, search, priority support, and more.

To learn more about the essential security and WordPress services we provide and see how we can improve your site, visit our plans page.

Why do I need a WordPress.com account?

Since Jetpack and its services are provided and hosted by WordPress.com, a WordPress.com account is required for Jetpack to function.

I already have a WordPress account, but Jetpack isn’t working. What’s going on?

A WordPress.com account is different from the account you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into WordPress.com, then you already have a WordPress.com account. If you can’t, you can easily create oneduring installation.

How do I view my stats?

Once you’ve installed Jetpack, your stats will be available on your Jetpack dashboard and through the official WordPress mobile app.

How do I contribute to Jetpack?

There are opportunities for developers at all levels to contribute. Learn more about contributing to Jetpack or consider joining our beta program.

What else does Jetpack include?

Jetpack is the ultimate toolkit for WP for both the classic editor and the block editor, giving you everything you need for a professional site. It includes the following features:

  • Activity log — Monitor all site changes for debug, troubleshooting, or maintenance
  • Ads — Earn income by displaying high quality ads on your site.
  • Beautiful Math — Use the LaTeX markup language for writing complex mathematical equations, formulas, and more.
  • Carousel slider — Display a gorgeous full-screen photo browsing experience with comments and EXIF metadata.
  • CDN — Helps your pages load faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers.
  • Comments — Replace your default comment form with an improved system with integrated social media login options.
  • Comment Likes — Allows readers to like other comments to show their agreement, approval, or appreciation.
  • Contact Form — Offer your readers the ability to get in touch, without giving out your personal email address.
  • Custom CSS — Customize the appearance of your theme without creating a child theme or worrying about updates overwriting your customizations.
  • Custom Content Types — Adds custom post types (CPTs) to your site.
  • Downtime Monitor — Alerts you via electronic mail if your site goes down to ensure you keep uptime.
  • Enhanced Distribution — Increase your reach by allowing your content to be included in the WordPress.com “firehose” of public blog content.
  • Extra Sidebar Widgets — Extra widgets you can add to your blog, including RSS Links and Facebook Like Boxes.
  • Gravatar Hovercards — Make your Gravatar profile visible to those viewing your blog.
  • Google Analytics (GA) — Track your WordPress site statistics thanks to Google Analytics.
  • Infinite Scroll — Pulls the next posts automatically into view when the reader approaches the bottom of the page.
  • JSON API — Authorizes applications and services to securely connect to your blog, and allows them to use your content or offer you new functionality.
  • Likes — Allows readers to show their appreciation for your posts with a single click.
  • Markdown — Allows you to compose posts and comments with links, lists, and other styles using regular characters and punctuation marks. Markdown is used by writers and bloggers who want a quick and easy way to write rich text without having to take their hands off the keyboard.
  • Malware detection – automatic malware scans that help protect your WP website with an automated resolution.
  • Notifications — Receive notifications for new comments and Likes in your admin bar and on your mobile device.
  • oEmbed Support — easily embed images, posts, and links from Facebook and Instagram.
  • Plugin Management — Allows easy site maintenance by choosing which plugins update automatically.
  • Post by Email — Publish posts using any mail client.
  • Protect — Protect your site from traditional and distributed brute force login attacks.
  • Publicize — Share new posts on social media networks automatically, or schedule future shares with custom messages.
  • Related Posts — Show contextual posts your visitors might be interested in reading after they’re done with their current post.
  • Secure Auth — Secure WordPress.com powered login used by millions of sites with optional 2FA (two factor authentication) for extra protection.
  • Security Scanner — Anti-virus and other threat detection for your WordPress site with automated resolution.
  • Search — A powerful replacement for WordPress’ built-in search, powered by Elasticsearch in the WordPress.com cloud
  • SEO Tools — Optimize your site for search engines by taking advantage of our SEO tools.
  • Sharing — Adds sharing buttons to your blog posts so readers can easily share your content.
  • Shortcode Embeds — Embed videos from YouTube and other media across the web.
  • Site Backup — Automatically back up your entire site. Duplicate, clone, migrate, transfer to a new host, and easily restore. Previously known as VaultPress.
  • Site Stats — View site visits by date, as well as most popular Pages and Posts.
  • Site Verification — Verify your site for use with Google, Bing, and Pinterest and their tools.
  • Sitemap — Generate a list of pages to be indexed by search engines like Google or Bing.
  • Spam Filtering — Automatically filter out spam comments, product reviews, or contact form submissions.
  • Subscriptions — Allow visitors to receive notifications of your latest posts or comments.
  • Tiled Galleries — Display your image galleries in three different styles: a rectangular mosaic, a square mosaic, and a circular grid.
  • Video Hosting — Upload videos for fast, reliable hosting on WordPress.com.
  • WP.me Shortlinks — Generate short and simple links to your content using the wp.me domain.
  • Widget Visibility — Configure widgets to appear only on specific pages.
  • WordPress.com Toolbar — The WordPress.com Toolbar feature replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your WordPress.com profile, and notifications.

What Blocks does Jetpack include?

Blocks are the individual sections that make up a page. There are many block types for you to use. Each block can be edited or moved independently of other blocks. The following is a list of all blocks currently available in Jetpack.

  • Ad Block – The Ad block allows you to insert a Jetpack Ad unit anywhere within the content of any post or page.
  • Business Hours Block – The Business Hours block allows you to display your business’s opening hours on your site.
  • Calendly Block – Jetpack’s Calendly block allows your visitors to schedule one-on-one appointments, group events, and team meetings directly from your website.
  • Contact Info Block – The Contact Info block lets you add your contact information (email address, physical address, phone number) to any post or page.
  • Donations Block – The Donations block lets you add a payment button to any post or page for a donation, tips, and other contributions, using Stripe as the payment gateway.
  • Eventbrite Block – With the Eventbrite block you can embed events on posts or pages.
  • Form Block – The Form block lets you add a form to your post or page.
  • GIF Block – The GIF block allows you to easily search for and embed an animated GIF image from Giphy directly into a post or page on your WordPress site.
  • Google Calendar Block – The Google Calendar block allows you to easily embed a Google Calendar into your post or page
  • Image Compare Block – The Image Compare Block allows you to display and compare the differences between two images side by side (or above and below) thanks to a slider.
  • Latest Instagram Posts Block – The Latest Instagram Posts Block lets you display your most recent images from Instagram on your site. The block update automatically updates when you post new images to Instagram.
  • Mailchimp Block – The Mailchimp block allows visitors to join your Mailchimp list.
  • Map Block – The Map Block allows you to add a map to any post or page on your site.
  • Markdown Block – With the Markdown block you can create formatted content using only regular characters and some punctuation marks.
  • OpenTable Block – With the OpenTable block, you can add a reservation form on posts or pages.
  • Pay with PayPal Block – Pay with PayPal lets you add a payment button to any post or page, and immediately start taking PayPal payments for physical products, digital goods, or a donation.
  • Payments Block – The Payments Block lets you add a payment button using Stripe as the payment gateway. It works for one-time and recurring payments.
  • Pinterest Block – The Pinterest block is the easiest way to embed Pinterest content to your site: it allows you to embed boards, profiles, and pins.
  • Podcast Player Block – Jetpack’s Podcast Player block allows you to easily show your visitors a listing of recent episodes from a podcast and play them on your website.
  • Related Posts Block – The Related Posts feature scans all of your posts’ contents, analyzes it, and uses that to display contextual posts your visitors might be interested in reading after they’re finished with the current post.
  • Repeat Visitor Block – The Repeat Visitor block enables the author to control the visibility of its nested block(s) depending on how many times a visitor has previously visited the page.
  • Revue Block – The Revue block creates a simple signup form for readers to opt-in to receive your newsletter.
  • Slideshow Block – The Slideshow block lets you insert an image slideshow into a post or page.
  • Star Rating Block – The Ratings block allows any site author to add reviews to the site.
  • Subscription Form Block – The Subscription Form Block allows you to insert a subscription form within the content area of any post or page, enabling your readers to get notifications when you publish new posts.
  • Tiled Gallery Block – With Tiled Galleries you can display your image galleries in four styles: tiled mosaic, circular grid, square tiles, and tiled columns.
  • Video Block – The Video block enhances the existing WordPress Video block and allows you to upload videos from your computer to be hosted on WordPress.com, rather than on your host’s servers.
  • WhatsApp Button Block – The WhatsAPP Button block will allow your customers to send them a message to enquire about their product or services, or ask for support. Clicking on the button will open WhatsApp and pre-fill the phone number and initial message.

Jetpack has also created extensions for some WordPress core blocks:

  • Social Previews – This extension of the Block Editor allows you to preview what your post / page will look like on search engines and social media.

Do I need an SSL certificate?

You don’t need an SSL Certificate to run Jetpack on your WordPress website. However, it’s recommended to integrate them both into your overall WordPress security strategy. An SSL certificate (Secure Sockets Layer certificate) creates a secure connection between your website and your site visitors’ browsers. It encrypts any data shared on your site — like addresses, emails, phone numbers, and credit card information — and protects that data from hackers.

If you don’t have an SSL certificate, your site will show a “not secure” warning on users’ browsers, which can reduce your legitimacy in their eyes. SSL certificates also have a positive impact on search engine rankings.

The process of setting up an SSL certificate will depend on your hosting provider. Some hosts include free certificates, while others charge annually.

How does Jetpack work with WP Super Cache?

WP Super Cache works by caching your WordPress pages as static HTML pages so that page requests, for an already cached page, do not need to be processed by the WordPress PHP scripts. Typically, most visitors of your site will view cached versions of the WordPress pages, so your server will have more processing power to serve an increased number of users.

Jetpack has an image CDN that works by caching and serving your WordPress images globally from its own servers. These plugins are both maintained by Automattic and work together to give you ultimate site speed.

What version of PHP do I need?

Sites must be built on PHP 7.0 or greater, but Jetpack always supports the latest version of PHP.

Can Jetpack help my site comply with GDPR?

Our Cookie and Consent Banner can help you comply with GDPR. The European Union’s ePrivacy Directive (often referred to as the ‘cookie law’) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) place requirements on website owners and operators to provide information about, and gain consent for their use of cookies.

Can Jetpack be used to transfer websites to a new host?

Jetpack Backup can do a full website migration to a new host, migrate theme files and plugins to a new database, create full database backups, clone websites, repair broken websites by restoring older backups and allow you to easily set up a test site by creating a duplicate of your existing website.

Shot down in a blaze of glory
Take me now but know the truth
I’m going down in a blaze of glory
Lord I never drew first
But I drew first blood
I’m no ones son
Call me young gun

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Bazel is always evolving — check the release notes to see what’s changed in the latest releases, and how that affects your builds.

As informações de pc recomendado:
CPU: processador Intel ou AMD CPU x86 / x86_64
Sistema operacional: Win7 / Win8 / Win8.1 / Win10 / Win11(atualmente suporta apenas o sistema operacional Windows, a versão MAC não é atualmente suportada)
Driver: Windows DirectX 11 / Driver gráfico com OpenGL 4.0
RAM: 16 GB de memória do sistema (RAM)
Disco rígido: mínimo de 100 GB de espaço livre no disco rígido
VT: a tecnologia de virtualização de hardware (Intel VT-x / AMD-V) está habilitada no BIOS Como habilitar VT (Tecnologia de virtualização) ?
Se precisar usar mult-instância, consulte o tutorial de configuração Como abrir mais multi-instância ? | otimização e configurações de emulador .

Ainda não há joguinhos

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